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TL Young Bag Borsa a Tracolla con Nappa Cognac TL141153
TL Young Bag Borsa a Tracolla con Nappa Cognac TL141153 TL Young Bag Borsa a Tracolla con Nappa Cognac TL141153 TL Young Bag Borsa a Tracolla con Nappa Cognac TL141153 TL Young Bag Borsa a Tracolla con Nappa Cognac TL141153 TL Young Bag Borsa a Tracolla con Nappa Cognac TL141153 TL Young Bag Borsa a Tracolla con Nappa Cognac TL141153
TL Young Bag TL141153

Borsa a Tracolla con Nappa

TL141153 Trustpilot stars 302 recensioni
$ 65.88 € 61,60
  • Confezione Regalo + Personalizzazione
Caratteristiche Principali

- Costruzione morbida

- Tracolla regolabile in pelle

- 1 scomparto

- Pelle nappata pieno fiore


Dimensioni Prodotto ( imperiale decimale )
  • - Misure: 8.66 x 7.28 x 0.39 inch
  • - Peso: 0.53 Lbs
  • - EAN: 8054383731817
  • - Borsa Crossbody
  • - Pelle nappata pieno fiore
  • - Fodera in poliestere
  • - Costruzione morbida
  • - 1 scomparto
Descrizione esterna
  • - Tasca con chiusura zip sul retro
Descrizione interni
  • - Tasca con zip
  • - Tracolla regolabile in pelle
Parti metalliche
  • - Accessori color oro
  • - Chiusura con zip
  • - Chiusura con bottone magnetico
Caratteristiche aggiuntive ( imperiale decimale )
  • - Lunghezza tracolla (max): 48.82 inch
  • - Lunghezza tracolla (min): 25.59 inch
Domande e risposte
Domanda: Maria E.
Vorrei sapere più o meno la capienza. Grazie.
Risposta: Servizio Clienti
Le misure interne sono circa 18 x 17 x 6cm.
Domanda: Anna M.
Buonasera, Sarei interessata all'acquisto . Vorrei sapere se tracolla si intende a tracolla Scusate il gioco di parole Si intende indossarla con tracolla di "traverso". Grazie
Risposta: Servizio Clienti
Questo modello può essere portato a tracolla per traverso, la lunghezza massima della tracolla è: 124.00 cm.
Hai bisogno di Ulteriori Dettagli?
TrustScore 4.9 | 302 Recensioni

Ana lucia S.
Italy - 22/04/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Maria luisa S.
Italy - 17/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Adelaide C.
Italy - 26/02/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Esattamente come da descrizione

Barbara M.
Italy - 26/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bella, morbida, profumata e verissima pelle ben rifinita. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. La misura è perfetta per una serata senza troppi pesi addosso (telefono, portafoglio, sigarette, chiavi, rossetto...e avanza un po' di spazio)☺️ La consiglio vivamente

Patrizia M.
Italy - 04/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Ottima qualità

Helga V.
Italy - 16/08/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima, morbida, perfetta in ogni particolare. Piccola ma piuttosto capiente per la sua misura. Molto soddisfatta!

Daria I.
Italy - 07/08/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Buon prodotto, si restringe leggermente all'altezza della cerniera

Emanuela T.
Italy - 15/07/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Morbida e comoda per il necessario

Annalisa T.
Italy - 16/06/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Articolo di ottima qualità.

Marcella T.
Italy - 25/02/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Nappa di ottima qualità, colore fantastico

Giorgio G.
Italy - 07/01/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Rita L.
Italy - 18/12/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Perfetta,è come la immagino piccola ma capiente

Elena maria C.
Italy - 05/12/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima, ma un po' piccolina. Curata nei dettagli e raffinata. Un paio di cm in più sarebbe perfetta

Linda G.
Italy - 02/12/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Esattamente come descritto sul sito.

Maria grazia B.
Italy - 15/09/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Piccola e leggera come da descrizione.

Luisa M.
Italy - 26/08/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Vera P.
Italy - 15/07/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Meravigliosa, dettagli favolosi

Stefania F.
Italy - 12/07/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Morbida pelle ottima qualità

Mariaconcetta R.
Italy - 17/06/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Perfetta ed elegante

Maria C.
Italy - 12/06/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bella e pratica

Jenny H.
Germany - 03/06/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima borsa che mi accompagnerà al concerto di Gianna Nannini

Alessandro S.
Italy - 09/05/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
prodotto eccellente! spedizione economica e veloce!

Stefania S.
Italy - 08/04/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bellissimo colore e modello, consegna velocissima (due giorni), qualità indiscutibile.

Carmen D.
Italy - 13/01/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Flavio M.
France - 02/01/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo prodotto, ottima pelle, design compatibile per l'utilizzo della borsa in diversi eventi.

Elvira B.
Italy - 21/12/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima borsa

Angela I.
Italy - 14/12/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Comoda e bella

Letizia B.
Italy - 14/12/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Mi piace tantissimo!

Daniela P.
Italy - 21/06/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Borsa bella e ben rifinita.

Letizia G.
Italy - 13/06/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Carina ed essenziale come volevo, peccato non forniate tracolle si ricambio per altro modello.

Antonella S.
Italy - 13/05/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Un po' piccola ma bella

Manuela C.
Italy - 02/05/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Articolo conforme alla descrizione, arrivato nei tempi previsti e con la confezione integra.

Miriana P.
Italy - 20/03/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
La borsa acquistata è bellissima!

Laura P.
Italy - 07/12/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Ottima qualità. Borsa piccola, ma capiente e molto ben rifinita.

Paola M.
Italy - 23/05/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Sonia C.
Italy - 01/05/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Come me l'aspettavo.Sempre ottima qualità

Fabio D.
Italy - 20/07/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Regalo per mia figlia, le è molto piaciuto.

Stefania C.
Italy - 06/06/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Mi piace.

Simona C.
Italy - 12/05/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Prodotto ottimo e pelle morbida

Marina V.
Italy - 29/03/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Qualità eccezionale. Come sempre.

Stefania C.
Italy - 17/02/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Essenziale ma non banale.

Stefania C.
Italy - 10/01/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Pratica tracolla, da utilizzare tutti i giorni.

Angelina O.
Italy - 30/11/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
colore molto bello, borsetta chic per una serata o un'occasione speciale

Isabel C.
Spain - 27/11/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Precioso! gusta a todo el mundo.

Tania R.
Italy - 06/05/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Pratica, versatile, ottime finiture, colore bellissimo.

Irene R.
Italy - 12/04/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Luigina C.
Italy - 02/04/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Semplice ed elegante nello stesso tempo, Molto comoda, la pelle è morbidissima, sembra quasi di toccare il velluto

Silvia D.
Italy - 24/02/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Ho acquistato questa tracollina dopo aver acquistato precedentemente lo stesso modello in colore nero. Devo dire che confermo la qualità dei materiali, bellissimo il colore talpa, pratica e stilosa per tutte le occasioni. Consiglia anche per un bel regalo.

Chiara F.
Germany - 09/02/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo prodotto. Ben rifinito. pelle morbida e di ottimo spetto

Mariantonia V.
Italy - 20/05/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Incantevole, meravigliosa. Dalle rifiniture impeccabili. M.vita.

Silvana C.
Italy - 14/02/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Se potessi la comprerei di tutti i colori,pratica e stilosa

Marianne B.
Cyprus - 30/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love this bag - have it in 2 colours. Small and stylish but plenty of room for the essential phone, purse, lipstick and small hairbrush. Ideal for travelling for safely keeping passports and slipping into a larger holdall as well as elegant enough for evening.

Александра К.
Russian Federation - 19/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Borse di buona qualità.

Carlalivia A.
Italy - 05/12/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
per chi ama i modelli di borse a tracolla TL Young bag e veramente originale

Salvatore U.
Italy - 03/12/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Non saprei...tutto ok

Testa S.
Italy - 16/04/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Ricevuta in tempi brevissimi ,pelle morbidissima ,tracollina piccola ma capiente che si può allungare

Laura P.
Italy - 18/01/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Pelle morbida e modello originale

Marta B.
Italy - 17/01/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
borsa di piccole dimensioni , ma pratica e capiente

Cinzia bieler B.
Italy - 27/12/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Comoda confortevole pratica. Stupenda

Marco T.
Italy - 26/12/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
È stato un regalo ... Non saprei dare consigli

Tiziana M.
Italy - 25/12/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima esattamente come viene descritta

Stefania E.
Italy - 07/03/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bella e pratica, si tratta di un regalo e sono convinta che piacerà molto.

Letizia L.
Italy - 09/02/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Era un regalo e è stato apprezzatissimo!

Clara C.
Italy - 14/07/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
bella tracolla piccolina ma sufficientemente capiente per chiavi fazzoletti cellulare e portamonete pellame morbidissimo

Marta T.
Italy - 17/05/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Color turchese ottimo per l'estate, borsa morbidissima, leggera di ottima fattura, la cerniera la rende più sicura ed è perfetta per cellulare, trucchi, piccolo portafogli...più capiente del previsto

Daniele B.
Italy - 25/01/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Praticissima.ottima capienza nonostante le dimensioni ridotte.

Vanessa S.
Canada - 01/03/2025

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
As advertised, heathy is beautiful and butter soft

Heidi F.
Canada - 10/11/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Véronique S.
France - 03/11/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Bernadette B.
United States - 15/09/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I love the workmanship of this piece.

Marilyn H.
Australia - 05/05/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful colour and quality

Olga B.
Germany - 04/05/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Kleine süße Tasche. Sehe gute Qualität

Rawlston W.
United States - 03/05/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
great product

Gina T.
United States - 20/04/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Smooth vibrant perfect size

Bernadette D.
France - 30/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Parfait ; J' avais déjà acheté ce modèle mais en coloris jaune

Christine H.
Canada - 25/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Shoulder bag is the right size. I love it.leather is so soft.

Herzog I.
Austria - 22/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Perfect size

Christina K.
Germany - 15/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
sehr gute Qualität und schnelle Lieferung

Helen E.
Australia - 11/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
This bag is for one of my granddaughters, she loves green and the size suits her petite body. I haven't given it to her yet but I'm sure she will love it as I know she loves green.

Michèle L.
France - 09/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très joli sac fonctionnel et beau cuir.

Lisa c P.
United States - 05/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Loved it!

David G.
France - 04/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
très beau rendu et cuir lisse

Herzog I.
Austria - 03/03/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Wonderful gift piece

Cynthia R.
United States - 27/02/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very very cute. Was as described, soft and supple leather. Just what I was looking for.

Sonya M.
Canada - 26/01/2024

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful bag

Sandra M.
Ireland - 26/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Lovely leather, beautiful bag.

Ed K.
United States - 20/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Francisco R.
Spain - 11/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Todo perfecto.

Marine R.
France - 10/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
forme originale, couleur élégante, qualité parfaite !

Helen T.
Portugal - 08/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Lucy P.
Ireland - 08/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I love the quality and style

Josephine I.
United Kingdom - 05/12/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Yolanda S.
Switzerland - 27/11/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Joli sac tendance, mais petit. Dommage qu'on ne puisse pas le porter déplié.

Maks B.
Austria - 16/10/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very nice and soft leather. Nothing to complain.

Anna A.
Denmark - 16/08/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Fine and soft. Beautiful design and colour

Estrellita T.
United States - 15/08/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
As described. Quick shipment.

Christine S.
Ireland - 11/08/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love it

Virginia W.
United Kingdom - 05/08/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Colour matches my ankle boots, great!

Ricaflor B.
New Zealand - 22/07/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Small and bright. Good everyday small bag

Jacqueline S.
United States - 08/07/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Just the right size. And the color is beautiful.

Annalee S.
United States - 07/07/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Light weight and zipper closure which is important for traveling. Light lavender will blend with all my clothing. Love the high quality.

Elaine T.
Ireland - 06/07/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
These pure leather bags are so soft, neat & are beautiful

Liam D.
Ireland - 03/07/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Happy recipient no complaints whatsoever.

Elaine T.
Ireland - 21/06/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I love my new pure leather shoulder bag it is perfect Elaine

Laurel W.
United States - 18/06/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
This bag arrived within a few days, the leather is very soft, workmanship is excellent and I will definitely recommend your company to friends and order other items.

Lizam A.
Singapore - 12/06/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Perfect size. Soft leather.

Dr J.
Ireland - 25/05/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Versatile bag

Margaret P.
France - 18/05/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Lovely quality bag as described.

Mavis S.
Malta - 15/05/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
perfect for a night out

Marie jo D.
France - 23/04/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Cuir lisse parfait Belles finitions

Rachel W.
United States - 27/03/2023

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Was looking for leather the quality we found while visiting Florence. This is it! Love their style and size.

Sharon K.
United States - 17/12/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love it

Charles B.
France - 09/12/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Classique et magnifique

Pernille L.
Denmark - 02/12/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Absolutely gorgeous bag.

Sofia C.
Greece - 15/09/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Fits for almost everything!

Gail F.
Ireland - 23/08/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Excellent quality - highly recommend

Isabelle A.
France - 08/08/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Sac magnifique et la qualité est là...j' super sérieux

Mounia H.
France - 24/07/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très jolie sac pour femme et bon rapport qualité prix.

Lillie M.
United States - 17/07/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Great color, beautifully styled, turquoise shoulder bag. Leather very soft. Thinking of purchasing smoothest color. Wore it couple of things and already received compliments

Mara Z.
Latvia - 14/07/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very goog quality

Mary R.
United States - 11/07/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Nice bag as expected.

Debra a C.
United States - 02/07/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Aurelia C.
United States - 01/07/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful! Good quality!

Louise B.
New Zealand - 23/06/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bought this bag for a gift and love the colour as this colour has been hard to find, perfect

Imre E.
Estonia - 17/06/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Little small for the wallet, but nice

Ruth H.
Canada - 15/06/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
This is a fun little crossbody that looks great with casual clothing. It is well made and the colour adds a splash to jeans.

John G.
United Kingdom - 15/05/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Purchased as a gift for my wife.

Martin T.
Singapore - 06/05/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful colour.

Alina S.
Austria - 18/04/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Schnelle Lieferung, beste Qualität, ich bin wie immer sehr zufrieden.

Patricia L.
Canada - 17/04/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Smart looking shoulder bag.

Andrej D.
United Kingdom - 03/04/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Hand made real leather looks good indeed. It was quick delivery as well

Anette V.
Sweden - 23/03/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
A very nice and well made little bag. It was a present for my daughter and she loves it.

Lisa B.
New Zealand - 18/03/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Cute smaller bag.

Ginette F.
Canada - 14/03/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Rosemary H.
Ireland - 13/03/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Tip top as usual!

Martine B.
France - 07/02/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

María P.
Spain - 07/01/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Para llevar únicamente lo necesario, sin cargar y liberar las manos. Ideal para ir con niños.

Cynthia T.
Canada - 02/01/2022

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I love it!!

Sonia A.
France - 30/12/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
la couleur rouge est juste celle que je souhaitais

Irene I.
United States - 21/12/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Excellent product!

Valérie R.
France - 20/12/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très beau sac, belle qualité et pratique

Farzana R.
New Zealand - 02/12/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
perfect when all you need is a couple of things and a bag for market day ... or a stroll on the beach.

Susan R.
Ireland - 16/09/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Wonderful and stylish bag for a night out at the pub!

Céline C.
France - 10/08/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très belle qualité

Joanne O.
Ireland - 08/08/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Absolutely beautiful. Small enough to not be annoying but large enough to fit the essentials. Gorgeous leather.

Elena M.
Russian Federation - 05/07/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Good afternoon! I really liked everything. Beautiful handbag, very high quality, fast delivery. I choose a handbag for the next order. Thank you to your store!!!

Laurence L.
Belgium - 20/06/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très beau petit sac, belle couleur et belle qualité !

Cathy G.
Ireland - 13/06/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful leather bag, colour lovely, size perfect

Gisele B.
France - 12/06/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Conforme à mes attentes !

Rhonda W.
New Zealand - 22/05/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Good quality leather and well made. I’m really happy with my purchase.

Bjarney J.
Iceland - 13/04/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful handbag

Sieglinde S.
Germany - 31/03/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Angenehm weich .

Simona D.
United Kingdom - 26/03/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Toby D.
Netherlands - 24/01/2021

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Good quality, well wrapped, quick sending

Marie-pierre B.
France - 24/12/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très beau produit

Pascale R.
Germany - 20/12/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Sehr gute Qualität! So, wie auf den Bildern gezeugt!

Monique T.
France - 12/12/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Ponti O.
Australia - 29/11/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I’d thought it looked so simple design and I didn’t expect much of it until I received it, Wow it is a gorgeous bag!! Good quality leather that you can feel it plus colour and all and all it is not that simple as I’d thought

Masako K.
Japan - 12/10/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
so cute!

Carol B.
United Kingdom - 12/08/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Handy size ,very happy with purchase

Anne M.
Australia - 09/08/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful Italian leather bag. This is the third bag I purchased.

Alain B.
France - 07/08/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Conforme à la description ... vite arrivé et bien emballé .. très satisfait

Evelyne L.
France - 06/07/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très sympa, belle qualité

Larisa I.
Denmark - 22/06/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Cute little cross body for browsing around the city. Fits phone, wallet, documents, umbrella and hand sanitizer.

Thelma D.
Ireland - 08/06/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
perfect little, great for when you don't want to carry a large bag.

Dinese G.
New Zealand - 02/06/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Colour, finish all excellent

Lucía isabel C.
Spain - 25/05/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Exactamente lo que yo buscaba

Sab A.
Saudi Arabia - 22/05/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Simply beautiful

Ann morton M.
United Kingdom - 20/03/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Lovely soft leather bag in a pretty shade of blue. Although it’s small, there’s sufficient room for all of your essentials.

Arthur M.
United States - 17/02/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Excellent Quality

Carole R.
United States - 10/02/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very nice and perfect for my granddaughter.

Marlene N.
Germany - 01/02/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
My new little companion. A little miracle of space! Thank you!

Theresia A.
Austria - 27/01/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Super!! Danke

Debra a C.
United States - 04/01/2020

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Great bag when a lighter look is desired and not too many things need to be taken along. Beautiful look and soft leather that will likely last for years, given the excellent craftsmanship. Unbeatable price.

Céline B.
France - 17/12/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Super parfait pour le quotidien des femmes actives et une qualité au top

Ms S.
United Kingdom - 07/12/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Absolutely beautiful. Excellent quality leather as always from Tuscany Leather. Purchased 3 in different colours and am delighted. Great service too.

Noelene M.
France - 07/12/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Great quality. Lovely gift for grand daughter

Ann S.
United States - 05/12/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Perfect size purse, well made.

Kassia K.
United States - 01/11/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Great purse, quality leather and stitching. It was a little smaller than expected. But the cross body strap is a great length and it is a great travel purse because of the zip and snap closure.

Sandrine R.
France - 17/08/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Un coup de cœur, ce sac est magnifique. Chic, pratique

Dawn P.
Australia - 14/07/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Excellent small casual bag.

Marios K.
Greece - 12/07/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Exactly like the photos, perfect smooth leather

Anne M.
Australia - 12/07/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
My cross body bag has beautiful soft leather and well made like most Italian goods. Very happy with my bag.

Marios K.
Greece - 22/06/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Accurate photos of the product. Exceptional materials.

Genevieve N.
France - 09/06/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Patricia H.
United States - 09/06/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Just beautiful. So many compliments!

Marylene B.
France - 16/05/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Joli et super pratique

Margaret J.
United Kingdom - 07/05/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Judy G.
United States - 05/04/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Great bag for market shopping

Carmen R.
Spain - 04/04/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Color muy acertado y muy funcional, justo lo que necesitaba

Doris K.
Germany - 15/03/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Sehr weiches gutes Leder

Zuzana C.
Slovakia - 05/03/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Exactly what I have expected

Fabienne D.
Belgium - 24/02/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
ce genre d'article est à recommander notamment je l'espère que TL le suivra dans différentes saisons. Celui ci est très pratique notamment pour la balade, activité sportive. Il permet d'emporter son stricte nécessaire

Fa abigail c. D.
United States - 22/02/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Fun young bag

Gina S.
United States - 18/02/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love this to travel with! Great size for passport and cash!

Ulrike L.
Germany - 16/02/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Schnelle Abwicklung und Lieferung.. Alles bestens, gerne wieder!

Angela G.
Canada - 09/02/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful leather bag.

Judith B.
United Kingdom - 28/01/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Gorgeous little bag, beautiful quality and a lovely everyday style

Gayle G.
United States - 19/01/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love it. As described.

Anne F.
Australia - 18/01/2019

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Great quality & exactly as described to fit my needs whilst travelling. Love this bag

Sue L.
Australia - 21/12/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bought on behalf of a friend who already owns one so she obviously loves the design. These are very nice bags.

Justyna D.
United Kingdom - 09/12/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Lovely bag.

Valérie A.
France - 05/12/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beau rendu, la qualité , la souplesse du cuir sont au rendez vous et ce bleu s'adapte à tout autre coloris selon moi.

Teresa A.
Germany - 03/12/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Desde el primer momento me han dicho amigas y amigos que el bolso es muy hermoso. Es un tamaño excelente para salir por la noche. Me gusta mucho y estoy feliz con mi compra

Marianne B.
Cyprus - 26/11/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love these little bags. I now have 5 in different colours. Big enough for a purse, phone, lipstick and small hairbrush but small enough to look elegant particularly in the evening. Beautiful soft leather, safe zip pockets internally and externally and perfect as a shoulder or cross body bag.

Anita G.
France - 22/09/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Sac conforme a ce que j attendais

Sandrine B.
France - 17/09/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Super belle et qualité du cuir top.

Anne D.
France - 02/09/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Mignon petit sac, original, très pratique et passe partout.

Elena S.
Russian Federation - 24/08/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Такого типа сумку беру уже второй раз. В красном цвете прекрасно смотрится.

Mary ellen H.
United States - 08/01/2018

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I received my purse and I'm thrilled!!! The quality is superb! The color is beautiful. It's a little smaller than I had thought but I'm glad as i need to stop carrying heavy purses. This was my first purchase from TL and won't be my last. Thank you Tuscany Leather for a great experience and product!!!

Jarmila N.
Slovakia - 11/12/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful and excellent quality

Gabriele U.
Germany - 14/11/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Tasche Super, Lieferzeit auch, weiter so.

Chantal F.
Canada - 15/08/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
adorable, qualité du cuir merveilleux !!

Isabelle L.
France - 10/07/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bon produit. Conforme au descriptif.

Ann W.
Denmark - 03/07/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Perfect product, fast delivery, very good service

Yannick S.
France - 12/06/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très beau produit

Katri triin K.
Estonia - 21/05/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Nice product, nice material, shoulder strap seems not so sturdy though.

Amy P.
United Kingdom - 21/05/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful bag

Susan P.
Spain - 15/05/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Muy bonito, aunque un poco más pequeño de lo que esperaba

Oleg A.
Russian Federation - 22/04/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Klaus S.
Germany - 14/04/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Sehr weiches Leder gefällt mir super

Zhyldyz T.
Russian Federation - 23/03/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Заказала подруге на день рождения. Всем понравилась сумка

Anne D.
France - 18/03/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Je m'attendais à une ouverture plus large, mais c'est encore une fois ma faute : je n'ai pas visualisé correctement les cotes fournies. Qualité du travail excellente.

Sandra A.
Germany - 25/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Schöne kleine Tasche, gute Qualität.

Maryna M.
Cyprus - 23/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Gaëlle G.
France - 20/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
idem au précédent

Heather R.
Australia - 20/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very happy with this bag

Duska G.
Australia - 15/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Just perfect, thank you for the great service!

Pauline M.
United Kingdom - 07/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love my new bag, leather is gorgeous

Svetlana G.
Russian Federation - 05/01/2017

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Great sumka!

Jackie T.
Virgin Islands, U.S. - 15/12/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
The bag is beautiful and packaging was perfect. I'll be ordering again

Astrid K.
Switzerland - 10/12/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Genau wie auf den Photos, super Qualität!

Maria R.
Australia - 10/12/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Great little bag to take out at night

Lynette J.
Australia - 04/12/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
This is for my almost 16 year old grand-daughter. As with most teenagers it is always a hit and miss with the latest trends. However it is both practical and smart so lets hope she likes it.

Christine A.
France - 03/12/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Couleur un peu plus foncée que je ne la voyait , mais qualité excellente .

Michele C.
Australia - 28/10/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Loved the bag

Елена Г.
Russian Federation - 06/08/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
хорошего качества. прекрасно носится кожа не теряет первоначального вида

Susan P.
United States - 22/07/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I purchased the Coral color and it was exact as advertised. Very pleased.Susan Pruzan

Sergey S.
Ukraine - 10/07/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
у меня 2 цвета черная и синяя очень довольна

Sebastian K.
Germany - 21/06/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Tolle Qualität.

Helena M.
United Kingdom - 10/06/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I bought this little bag in black. Needless to say that the leather from Tuscany Leather is exceptionally high as always.This very compact but yet roomy little bag is perfect when having a ride on my push bike.

Tuula V.
Finland - 03/05/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love the finishes. The size could be slightly bigger and the strap is slightly narrow.

Jana F.
Slovakia - 18/04/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Wonderful bag. I just love the size. Ideal for a night out. The red one is a little bit darker than on the photo.

Jacqueline C.
United States - 01/02/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Awesome! Recommended to everyone.

Paul W.
United Kingdom - 18/01/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Bought for the summer good purchase good quality

Lola B.
Spain - 16/01/2016

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Guy michel B.
France - 18/12/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Conforme à mes souhaits et de bonne qualité

Irina L.
Malta - 21/11/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very soft, nice quality leather. I am very happy with it. More beautiful then on the picture.

Marianne B.
Cyprus - 20/11/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Lovely little bag exactly as I was expecting. Thank you.

Sergey S.
Ukraine - 09/11/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
хочу заказть еще другие цвета

Kim S.
Australia - 15/10/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful soft leather & perfect size. Perfect with jeans

Lindsey D.
United Kingdom - 13/09/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
This little bag is excellent , lovely and soft just what I wanted would definitely bye from again, in fact I think my daughter is going to buy one

Sylvia M.
Australia - 27/08/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Lovely bag, I bought this bag for my niece, perfect in every way from the quality of the leather to the design and stitching, extremely fast delivery, arrived in 5 days from Italy to Australia, 5 stars. Thank you.

Maria theresa A.
United Kingdom - 13/08/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
I love this bag. Good quality and I get good compliments from all of my friends.

Veronika S.
Italy - 28/07/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very good quality

Oxana D.
Russian Federation - 11/07/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Good quality soft leather.

Brigid G.
Australia - 25/05/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Perfect size and style

Kinga P.
Hungary - 18/05/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Soft, lightweight, just what I needed

Rita S.
France - 29/03/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Lovely bright blue soft leather bag and excellent quality.Goes with everything from dressing up or dressing down with jeans and sneakers

Bernard B.
Belgium - 14/02/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Formidable !Commande conforme reçue dans les deux jours et avec un magnifique emballage cadeau.

Kathy B.
France - 12/01/2015

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Article super, livraison très rapide

Natacha R.
France - 12/12/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Joli, confortable, pratique et de trés belles couleurs cognac et doré.

Ylber S.
Spain - 12/10/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
The My grilefriend like lot :)

Pamela B.
New Zealand - 25/09/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Just love it, well constructed and beautifully finished

Vanesa S.
Spain - 25/09/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Justo lo que esperaba.

Victoria F.
United States - 15/09/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very cute bag. In reality it is as good as you imagined when you ordered it. I bought in red colour and I'm not disappointed.

Christina R.
Germany - 02/09/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
gefällt mir gut

Janet H.
United Kingdom - 23/08/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
The fine leather is excellent, just what I wanted.

Ingrid K.
Germany - 28/07/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Wunderbar leicht und weich. Habe mir das gleich Modell in schwarz bestellt.

Ingrid K.
Germany - 20/07/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Diese Tasche ist wunderbar weich, leicht und sieht edel aus.

Muriel P.
Réunion - 19/07/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Ce sac est une petite merveille et très pratique . La qualité et la finition sont toujours irréprochables .

Darja S.
Latvia - 18/07/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
!!!я очень довольна!

Mary H.
United Kingdom - 17/07/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Exactly what I needed

Manuela V.
France - 26/05/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
belle peausserie

Irina R.
Russian Federation - 12/05/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
The bag is really perfect. Thank you!

Yelena G.
United Kingdom - 09/05/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love it

Robyn K.
Australia - 30/03/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love this

Sonja H.
Switzerland - 09/03/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Klein aber fein. Leder ist sehr weich.

Maria K.
Russian Federation - 25/02/2014

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Little as I wanted. Beautiful and comfortable.

Margaret D.
United Kingdom - 20/12/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Useful with back and inside pocket which are both zipped.

Ms m G.
United Kingdom - 19/12/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Very good quality

Brian P.
United Kingdom - 16/12/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Because it was as present and I needed to quickly get it sent on to the Ukraine I didn't take it out of it's bag. It was a bit smaller than I envisaged but it looked good. I hope my friend likes it.

Isabelle D.
France - 08/12/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
même remarque

Kirsi K.
Finland - 05/12/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
My favorite at this moment. Handy and CLEVER, easy to use and you can hide a lot of things inside and still it does not look "crowded and too full". Will be the one which I take to my flight: everything I need inside the cabin.

Catherine F.
United States - 01/12/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Perfect. Small enough, but big enough to carry import items.

Alan S.
New Zealand - 30/11/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
love the bag but don't like the tassel,looks like it belongs on a bigger bag.

Lucia R.
Indonesia - 28/10/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Nice style!

David H.
Spain - 26/10/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Precioso. Buena calidad de los materiales. 100% cuero perfectamente tratado.Bien acabado. Precioso.

Olesya N.
Russian Federation - 24/09/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Thank you very much, this is a fantastic bag! The courier brought a bag yesterday morning, delivery is very fast. High quality handbags, soft leather, i'm in love. xD I will buy in your store again.

Svetlana B.
Russian Federation - 20/09/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Olga B.
Spain - 10/09/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Los flecos de la borla venían deshilachados y sin cortan. Por lo demás esta bien

Anna O.
Netherlands - 10/08/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Nice bag.

Maria E.
Australia - 08/08/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Lovely Bag thank you

Nicole B.
Germany - 02/08/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars

Robyn B.
New Zealand - 22/07/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Love the bag. Easy purchasing and delivery.

Chantal G.
Belgium - 17/07/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Très joli petit sac, pratique et léger, de belle contenance malgré sa petite taille. Merci!

Natalia K.
Netherlands - 12/07/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Good bag!Fast delivery

Maria jesus M.
Spain - 12/07/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Excelente bolso-bandolera. Piel con un tacto fantástico. Envío rapidísimo. Estoy encantada con él. Gracias

Joelle P.
France - 14/06/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
je suis très contente d'avoir découvert votre site. Le sac est très joli, la gravure est vraiment un détail original et le delai de port est vraiment rapide.Bravo!je reviendrai faire des achatsbien cordialement,joelle

Nikolay F.
Russian Federation - 27/05/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
It's all OK. Very fast delivery.

Elena A.
Russian Federation - 07/04/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
The bag is simply delightful, thanks a lot, I am very happy! ! ! Thanks

Olga K.
Germany - 28/03/2013

TL141153 Trustpilot stars
Die Tasche hat mir gefallen, Leder ist sehr weich und gut! Die Farbe aber entspricht dem auf Ihrer Seite vorgelegten Muster überhaupt nicht! SEHR SCHADE!!!

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