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Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475
Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475 Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475 Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475 Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475 Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475 Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475 Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475 Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Testa di Moro TL90475
Forever Classics
Messenger double TL90475

Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle

TL90475 Trustpilot stars 184 recensioni
$ 258.79 $ 194.10 € 181,50 Sconto 25%
Testa di Moro
Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Nero TL90475 Messenger double Borsa a Tracolla 2 Scomparti in Pelle Marrone TL90475
  • Confezione Regalo + Personalizzazione
Caratteristiche Principali

- Pelle pieno fiore conciata al vegetale tamponata a mano

- Costruzione morbida

- Tracolla regolabile in pelle

- 2 scomparti


Dimensioni Prodotto ( imperiale decimale )
  • - Misure: 14.96 x 11.42 x 4.33 inch
  • - Peso: 2.2 Lbs
  • - EAN: 8053830521476
  • - Messenger
  • - Pelle pieno fiore conciata al vegetale tamponata a mano
  • - Interno Maialino naturale
  • - Costruzione morbida
  • - 2 scomparti
Descrizione esterna
  • - Logo Tuscany Leather su rettangolo in metallo
  • - Tasca con chiusura zip sul retro
Descrizione interni
  • - Tasca aperta
  • - Tasche porta carte di credito
  • - Tasca con zip
  • - Scomparto portapenne
  • - Tracolla regolabile in pelle
  • - Può contenere notebook da 15.6''
  • - Può contenere tablet da 10"
  • - Chiusura con bottone magnetico
Caratteristiche aggiuntive ( imperiale decimale )
  • - Lunghezza tracolla (min): 47.24 inch
  • - Lunghezza tracolla (max): 53.54 inch
  • - Larghezza comparto pc: 13.78 inch
  • - Altezza comparto pc: 10.83 inch
  • - Profondità comparto pc: 2.17 inch
Domande e risposte
Domanda: Mara
buongiorno, sarebbe possibile personalizzare con le iniziali?
Risposta: Servizio Clienti
Sì, questa borsa può essere personalizzata. Può cliccare su AGGIUNGI AL CARRELLO > PERSONALIZZA
Domanda: Pagona M.
what is the length of this bag, to be sent to Greece
Risposta: Servizio Clienti
The lenght of the bag is 38cm. The delivery time to Greece is from 2-5 days by standard delivery or from 1-2 days by express delivery.
Domanda: vlado
Buongiorno, mi interessa l´acquisto di "MESSENGER DOUBLE TL90475". Mi potete mandare procedura d'acquisto? Se mi manda numero di telefono, La chiamerò a breve. Distinti saluti Vlado
Risposta: Servizio Clienti
La informo che può tranquillamente fare l'ordine in autonomia sul nostro sito, basta aggiungere il prodotto al carrello ed andare alla cassa. Potrà scegliere il metodo di pagamento che preferisce tra carta di credito, bonifico, PayPal o contrassegno. Per maggiori informazioni non esiti a contattarci: Tel: 050712485 e-mail:
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  Forever Classics
  Forever Classics
TrustScore 4.9 | 184 Recensioni

Alberto G.
Italy - 10/12/2024

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Sono pienamente soddisfatto del mio acquisto.

Rita C.
Belgium - 07/12/2024

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Giuseppe P.
Italy - 21/07/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Articolo molto bello

Christoph K.
Italy - 22/01/2022

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo lavorazione

Iva R.
Italy - 09/11/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Comfortable and looking way more expensive than it is :)

Danilo L.
Italy - 12/07/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
veloce la consegna prodotto molto valido

Alessandro C.
Italy - 29/05/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Rapporto qualità prezzo TOP

Massimo M.
Italy - 22/03/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Prodotto di assoluta qualità

Chiara G.
Italy - 27/12/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Borsa stupenda, capiente e di ottima qualità. L'incisione è perfetta

Federica D.
Italy - 19/05/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
La borsa era un regalo. Prodotto di ottima qualità che è piaciuto molto.

Alice S.
Italy - 15/05/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Molto soddisfatta

Giuseppantonio S.
Italy - 19/10/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima borsa

Francesco C.
Italy - 08/02/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Una tracolla sensazionale, studiata nei minimi dettagli e di altissima qualità che meglio non poteva riuscire. Destinata a durare nel tempo e a rimanere intatta nel suo fascino. Consigliatissima

Edoardo S.
Italy - 17/09/2018

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima con Qualità eccellente. Molto soddisfatto.

Timoteo F.
Italy - 28/11/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Qualità di alto livello, oltre le aspettative. Attenzione ai dettagli anche nel packaging. Consiglio assolutamente l'acquisto

Irvien V.
Saudi Arabia - 23/02/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
very good

Nicola B.
Italy - 23/12/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Molto bella. Ritenevo peró che un notebook 15.6" le tasche maggiori mentre entra solamente in quella anteriore

Aurora N.
Italy - 14/11/2015

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Sonia G.
Switzerland - 05/10/2015

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Borsa capiente, in buon pellame resistente.

Eleonora M.
Italy - 27/09/2015

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Adatta ad un giovane ragazzo.

Giorgio F.
Italy - 30/08/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Qualità ottima. Tracolla da migliorare.

Massimo F.
Italy - 21/03/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Stupenda,rifinitissima,pelle di qualita' alta

Carlotta S.
Italy - 20/03/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima e in perfette condizioni.

Marco D.
Italy - 21/02/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
La borsa è stupenda di ottima fattura ,pellami molto belli e ottimamente rifinita,sono molto soddisfatto.

Paolo G.
Italy - 29/01/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
la uso tutti i giorni anche se ho altre borse 8 e mezzo

Marco R.
Italy - 02/12/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Splendida come presentata. Consigliata

Stefano C.
Italy - 05/10/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Prodotto eccellente

Flavio M.
France - 30/09/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Pelle piu' morbida.

Denis R.
Italy - 23/08/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Prodotto validissimo ottimo e sono rimasto sbalordito dalla velocità di spedizione......Grazie e un arrivederci per altre compere in futuro.

Diego savio M.
Italy - 22/02/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Odore del pellame mi ricorda le bucce del pomodoro bollito e passato.

Gabriele D.
Italy - 18/01/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Molto bella, davvero soddisfatto. Aver ricevuto un piccolo cupon ha fatto la differenza.

Ivo M.
Italy - 05/01/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Sarebbe ancora più bella in pelle morbida

Matteo S.
Italy - 30/10/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Non si possono suggerire miglioramenti all'eccellenza

Alberto D.
Italy - 03/10/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
spedizione rapidissima

Lorenzo M.
Italy - 13/07/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Una manico ne aumenterebbe la praticità.

Italy - 16/02/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
qualità italiana sempre riconoscibile.grazie

Marco Z.
Italy - 25/07/2011

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
La personalizzazione andrebbe fatta più in basso, a mio avviso .Comunque sul prodotto niente da dire...ottimo!!!soddisfatto

Francesco V.
Italy - 12/11/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
perfetto la tracolla è fantastica e mi è arrivata in un solo giorno. bellissima

Domenico giuseppe D.
Italy - 20/10/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Ottima esecuzione. Ottima qualità. Eccellente servizio. Di meglio non si può pretendere

Marco C.
Italy - 02/06/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo servizio di vendita. Consegna veloce. Ottimo prodotto

Simone R.
Italy - 11/03/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo prodotto, di qualità eccellente e velocità nella spedizione e nella preparazione del prodotto ECCELLENTE

Francesco G.
- 03/12/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Nulla da invidiare a The Bridge, anzi!!!

Michele G.
- 16/03/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Mi è piaciuta la borsa, io avrei aggiunto qualche tasca in più per contenere le cose più piccole

Alessio V.
- 10/02/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Aggiungerei il manico, per portare la borsa in due modi diversi

Jeanette B.
Canada - 11/03/2025

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful, high quality men's messenger bag. Love it!

Francisco josé S.
Spain - 23/02/2025

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Magnífico producto.

Michael F.
Australia - 01/07/2024

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Very happy with the bag and the prompt delivery.

Sunam S.
Singapore - 28/03/2024

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Very high quality leather and a very well produced bag

Roger B.
France - 16/01/2024

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Très beau produit, entièrement satisfait

Paul A.
Canada - 22/12/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Christoph S.
Switzerland - 01/11/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Very good quality and amazing design!

Yovov Z.
Switzerland - 31/10/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Top qualitet

Samuel V.
Switzerland - 18/09/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Wunderschöne Tasche hat alles perfekt geklappt

Volker K.
Germany - 09/08/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Wieder einmal eine super Tasche bei Tuscany gekauft.

Chris N.
Denmark - 11/07/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Good design, minir details could be inproved. All in all I like the bag, it’s my second - now in black.

Helen C.
Singapore - 03/06/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
My husband is very happy with my purchase. Keep up the good work for quality and style.

Cynthia R.
Canada - 22/03/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Great quality and price. Fast and efficient delivery.

Jevgenijs P.
Germany - 21/03/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
gutes Produkt und Respekt Verkäufer sehr gesellig

Robert T.
United States - 26/02/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Carries everything I need & beyond

Ian J.
United Kingdom - 03/02/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Great Product

Mark C.
United Kingdom - 16/01/2023

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Amazing product. A purchase of a lifetime

Laberge N.
Canada - 03/12/2022

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Cuir de grande qualité

Hajnalka K.
Austria - 04/10/2022

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
The bag just the right size, the laptop compartment comfortably fits a 15.6". Beautiful craftsmanship, fast delivery.

Pauline C.
Australia - 23/09/2022

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Bought as a gift for my 28yo son and I know he’s going to love it!

Leonard L.
Ireland - 12/09/2022

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent bag

Konstantinos P.
Germany - 12/09/2022

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Sehr gut verarbeitet und hochwertig.

Alon S.
Israel - 08/09/2022

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Looks great !

Christian C.
Belgium - 19/06/2022

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Michael E.
Austria - 23/12/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Sehr schöne Herrentasche. Preis Leistung passt. Sehr gute Qualität. Kann ich mit guten gewissen weiter empfehlen.

Andrew K.
Ireland - 20/12/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Good quality

Maheswaran M.
Singapore - 06/12/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Ève C.
Canada - 23/07/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Beau produit de qualité.

Tomas L.
Czech Republic - 11/07/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Top quality leather Superb craftsmanship

Jesus R.
Spain - 08/07/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Mi segunda compra en menos de un mes. De nuevo, las expectativas depositadas en la calidad y diseño del producto no han defraudado.

Leonard L.
United Kingdom - 21/06/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent quality. Bought as a graduation present for my grandson and I am sure that he will get much pleasure from it.

Pavol J.
Slovakia - 18/06/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
High quality product

Wolfgang M.
Austria - 27/05/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Sehr gut verarbeitet

Chad M.
United States - 24/05/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Very nice. Very high quality.

Trung thanh V.
Singapore - 20/04/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Love it, high quality leather

Sandra L.
Germany - 07/03/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
schöne, hochwertige Tasche, passt (fast) perfekt zur Mappe- hätte einen Tick größer sein können

Sarah H.
New Zealand - 20/01/2021

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
They loved their gift, the bag looked and smelled amazing. Thank you for getting it to NZ so fast!

Manfre L.
France - 26/12/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Magnifique priduit

Peter Z.
Austria - 19/12/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
sehr edle tasche !

Carmen B.
Australia - 08/11/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Lovely bag for my partners 40th birthday, he is hard to purchase for so I was very pleased when I received my order.

Jason R.
Australia - 05/11/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Handsome , stunning piece . Magnificent quality and leather .

Erika M.
United Kingdom - 11/10/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Great quality!

Andrey A.
Russian Federation - 27/09/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
I want to thank TUSCANY LEATHER for its excellent products. Fast delivery, reliable packaging, and the bag itself is a work of art, everything is very thoughtful. Top quality leather material. I wish the company prosperity and good luck to all employees. Sincerely, Andrey.

Gary P.
New Zealand - 02/08/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
A fine quality item. As advertised

Jordon P.
Australia - 24/07/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent finish and craftsmanship, thank you.

Andrew D.
United Kingdom - 21/06/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Superb product.

Christopher G.
Australia - 19/06/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
I am very pleased with the bag - excellent quality and craftsmanship. And Italian leather! A couple of additions to the strap would make it even better - a wide shoulder pad and an extra loop

Valerie K.
United States - 26/05/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
This bag accommodates my Mac Book Pro perfectly.

Margaret O.
Ireland - 24/05/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Rob F.
Australia - 20/02/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Product exceeded my expectations - of a very high quality. .

Paul B.
United States - 03/01/2020

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Great quality. I loved it

Jeanne M.
United States - 30/12/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
I purchased this bag for my son who has been carrying a backpack for work in his new job. I wasn’t sure he would switch to a messenger bag but was very surprised how much he loved it. This was the perfect size for him since he mainly carries his laptop and a few files. It was an easy transition from a backpack without going too big. I think he was surprised that I could find something so cool for him to carry. The leather is beautiful and not cheap looking and overall the bag is very sturdy and well made. It will last him for years. Thanks for making such a great product AND making me look like a great mom!

Bhavini S.
Singapore - 25/12/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Bought for my son who just graduated Was amazed at the quality & finishing Beyond my expectations Love it

Danielle A.
Canada - 16/12/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Bonne qualité de cuir et j'était contente du résultat de la personnalisation.

Niels H.
Germany - 18/11/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
perfekte Ausführung

John V.
United Kingdom - 24/08/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Fantastic quality bag. Gorgeous leather. Beautiful. Love it! Very quick delivery too.

Alexandru R.
Austria - 10/08/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
perfect choice for the office

Sapna B.
Bahrain - 02/02/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
It is really a gud bag .

Dimosthenis S.
Sweden - 07/01/2019

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
The quality and the service are unique! Highly recomended!!!

Olivier L.
Belgium - 25/12/2018

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Perfetta esperienza di acquisto La pelle è di ottima qualità. Un prodotto di grande bellezza. Tuscany Leather è un produttore degno di questo nome. Prodotto molto lussuoso Consiglio vivamente questo provider. Lo consiglierò appena posso un altro prodotto. Grazie mólto.

Rafael S.
Germany - 30/11/2018

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Sehr gute Qualität.

Paul R.
Singapore - 29/04/2018

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful design and great size

Michael B.
United States - 15/04/2018

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Even better than the first one

William B.
Australia - 27/02/2018

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
The bag is better than I expected, great choice, plenty of space, stylish and really looks great with my suits.

Jacques P.
France - 18/02/2018

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Bon produit, conforme à mes attentes

Sylvie B.
Canada - 11/02/2018

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Le produit présenté représente très celui que j'ai reçu. Très belle qualité. Mon fils a adoré ce présent.

Francis B.
France - 27/12/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Cela correspond à mon souhait

Eniko K.
Australia - 19/12/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
This I bought as a present, and is just what I wanted. I hope it will last long for the happy owner. Loved the smell of it.

Michael M.
Australia - 18/10/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Beatifically designed and made product

Susan D.
Australia - 24/09/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Was a gift for my sons birthday. He loves it and is very impressed. He is very hard to buy for as he only likes the best quality products so I am very pleased with it.

Elizabeth A.
Australia - 13/09/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Very happy with the quality of the bag.

Gérard L.
France - 01/09/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Très belle besace, soigneusement travaillée dans un très beau cuir.Très bonne finition pour cet achat qui me comble.

Felix S.
Germany - 25/08/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Zwar würde ich mir die Tasche noch größer wünschen, jedoch sieht sie super aus (dunkles braun). Ich sende sie nur zurück, um sie graviert zu bestellen.

Juan carlos M.
Spain - 22/06/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
La verdad es que es un bolso excelente, en cuanto a la calidad del material y el acabado del bolso.No sé si sería posible pero estaría bien si tuviera un tercer bolso interno más grande, pondría algún soporte más para bolígrafos, ahora hay dos, cuatro sería mejor.Eliminaría los soportes para tarjetas de crédito y pondría otro más para teléfono móvil.Muchas gracias por permitirme compartir mis observaciones y felicitarles por la calidad de su producto

Hervé P.
France - 23/03/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Produit conforme à la description, et de très bonne qualité, livré en 48h.Rien à redire

Charlene D.
United Kingdom - 13/03/2017

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Exactly as it appears

Kevin L.
United States - 19/12/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
A first class leather bag! 5 stars

Catherine E.
France - 12/12/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Très belle besace

Frank F.
Norway - 09/12/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
I is just what I expected! Very satisfied!

Lionel T.
France - 03/12/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Très beau sac besace en cuir, de belle qualité. Les coutures apparentes mettent en valeur le produit. Traitement de la commande et de la livraison très rapide. Mi piace molto. Grazie Mille !

Wendy S.
New Zealand - 21/11/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
It's for a Christmas gift, so can't comment on its usefulness, but it looks well made and should be fit for purpose. Quality leather product.

Stephen A.
Australia - 06/09/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Top Quality as ALWAYS !!!

Lucienne B.
Switzerland - 11/04/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Article super! Merci

Baptiste B.
France - 08/02/2016

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Très belle besace. Identique à la description. Plus beau en vrai :)

Ivan ramiro C.
Spain - 12/11/2015

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Es lo que esperaba.

Michel S.
United Arab Emirates - 01/11/2015

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Great bag, high quality leather

Helmuth F.
Germany - 22/02/2015

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Sehr schöne Ware!Und ein ebenso schönes Gratis-Geschenk!

Sharon M.
Ireland - 05/01/2015

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent and subtle personalisation on a beautiful bag

Ian H.
United Kingdom - 27/10/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Well made and understatedly stylish.

Mary M.
Australia - 18/07/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent quality.

Roger W.
New Zealand - 07/04/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
this is a good bag, a higher quality internal lining would make it great

Oleg C.
Russian Federation - 16/03/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
little holes in the belt

Sandra M.
Canada - 03/03/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Vraiment très beau sac en cuir véritable, la qualité de confection est exeptionnel, format pratique et la couleur est très tendance.

Ute B.
Germany - 12/02/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Wir haben schon seit vielen Jahren die kleinere und schmalere Ausführung und haben uns gern erneut für dieses Model entschieden.

Christofer B.
Sweden - 17/01/2014

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
The bag I ordered was of the same shade as indicated in the online pictures. Quality workmanship throughout. However, the shoulder strap was longer than necessary.

David B.
France - 22/12/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
article d'excellente qualité et conforme à mes attentes. la livraison est rapide.

Caroline J.
New Zealand - 09/12/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Loved the bag. It was exactly what I thought it would be. My only slight problem with it is that it is very shiny, and I am hoping that the shine will reduce over time. Also, as some others have mentioned, a belt loop for the strap would be good as the ends tends to curl upwards. The bag appears very good quality though, and is perfect for work. Very happy with the purchase.

James G.
Ireland - 25/11/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Happy with my purchase

Pauline S.
Hong Kong - 15/11/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Good condition - good quality.

Daljit S.
Australia - 31/10/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Nice quality bag

Andrey O.
Russian Federation - 04/10/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Kathy M.
France - 24/08/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Peu de délai de livraison : commande passée lundi soir et produit présenté jeudi. Très bon article.

Per ivar M.
Norway - 28/07/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent quality, and I am most satisfied both with the product and the fast delivery. I have also purchased other items from TL, and will highly reccomend this company. PIM - Norway

Wayne S.
New Zealand - 10/07/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
It arrived today. Very happy with it. I would like a belt to match same width, colour leather and buckle. Can this be arranged? My existing belt is 115mm overall and 100m to the centre hole.Cheers Wayne

Mathew K.
Singapore - 06/07/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent service. Quality Products! You guys are very efficient. Keep it up!

Andrey R.
Russian Federation - 01/07/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
The quality is excellent. On the photo bag looks darker and more brutal than in a real life. The skin is too soft and glossy. But this is not a disadvantage. The service is great. I liked Tuscany Leather and I'l buy something again.

Irene eloisa O.
Spain - 17/06/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
La calidad del bolso es como esperaba, el cuero es muy agradable y el recubrimiento de piel por la parte interior es muy agradable, volvería a comprar!

Simon W.
New Zealand - 16/06/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Tuscany Leather provided excellent service and very efficient delivery. The quality of the bag is exceptional!! I am so happy I found this website. Thank you Tuscany Leather

Laurence B.
France - 31/05/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Très bel article. Satisfait à 100%

Rainer P.
Sweden - 06/05/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
I like the feel of the bag, the quality is really good! I would like a leatherring or something to prevent the shoulderstrap to "curl" up when you are at the last hole in the strap.It feels a bit insecure also, that the magnetic lock aint sufficient is easy for a thief to open and ransack the bag.It will though look more and more beautiful as the years pass!

Juan a. C.
Spain - 24/04/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Great Messenger Bag. Soft touch, beautiful style, very useful. The only small comment is about the size of the phone bag: it is very small for the size of some of the smartphones that we can use today. The web page is nice and just one day to get the bag from Italy to Spain. I like that you request the opinion of the client about the product and service you give. Congratulations for the bag model as well as the service.

Genevieve C.
France - 14/02/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Exceptionnele qualité. Sac à la fois très chic (couleur magnifique) et très pratique sans être encombrant (il reste plat ) Très logeable et bien pensé. Article à recommander à qqun comme moi qui veut un sac qui soit beau, contienne beaucoup de choses et que ces chose aient une place sans se mélanger.s

Nicholas C.
Australia - 26/01/2013

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
I love this bag! The craftsmanship is just stunning and the quality of the leather beautiful. Perhaps the leather is slightly too shiny, but perhaps that is how it's meant to be - very minor suggestion!

Heather W.
United States - 03/12/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Amazing quality, quick turn around - easy shopping and the personalizing option was a perfect add on! Will definitely buy from you again!

Orest O.
Canada - 24/11/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent craftsmanship, beautiful details, unsurpassed value! I could not be happier. Buying and shipping was very easy and clear due to well designed web-site, and attentive staff responses to questions. I will not hesitate to purchase from you again.

Jan L.
United Arab Emirates - 22/10/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful and very practical. Very well made of excellent leather. Highly recommended!

Virginia P.
Australia - 23/09/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Fantastic beautiful leather

Sven R.
Sweden - 24/07/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
An extra "ring" to fix the strap if it is shortened.

Veyret J.
France - 11/07/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Très beau produit de très belle facture. Ce sac est à la fois chic et très discret. Les finitions sont superbes... la classe italienne. Merci pour la rapidité de la livraison et la qualité du produit.

John C.
Australia - 17/04/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
The images on the website make the bag look bigger than it really is. Still a very satisfactory product though!

Nabil R.
Sweden - 25/03/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
A very wonderful product. Liked it a lot. Very high kvalite. Fast delivery.

Zahid M.
Saudi Arabia - 24/03/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Iva jeane D.
United States - 10/03/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
I love the bag however being a small woman, weighting 99 pounds, I would like the bag not so large in height. The craftman's ship is outstanding

Peter L.
Australia - 20/02/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Excellent product, I would not change anything

André L.
Belgium - 10/02/2012

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
parfait mais la facture n'était pas jointe au colis j'ai fais une demande et je l'attends merci

Thomas B.
Germany - 20/12/2011

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Tolle Tasche, tolles Leder, top Verarbeitung. Ein bisschen mehr Stabilität an der Rückseite würde die Tasche absolut perfekt machen.

Markus N.
Switzerland - 29/06/2011

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Von der Qualität, Preis und Lieferzeit begeistert, meinte meine Frau nur: und warum hast du nur eine Tasche bestellt? ... Vielen Dank!

Sylvie D.
France - 18/01/2011

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Original et chic, très pratique et une qualité magnifique

Maik T.
Germany - 25/11/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Alles super, vielen Dank!!!

Dimitris K.
Greece - 06/09/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars

Sandrine P.
Belgium - 04/03/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Good quality leather !

Constantinos A.
Greece - 03/02/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Dear, All of You there at ''Tuscany Leather'' is a wonderful team.It is not the first time I've purchased one of your products, but this time I'vebeen very pleased indeed.Regardless of the kind telephone information from a very polite lady about the shipping of my order at the first day of my order,I was also very surprised of how soon I had my excellent bag.By the way I'm very sorry I didn't ask her name I'dlike to know.As for the quality of your products just one word ASTONISHING.I am on my next order.Thanks again and sorry I didn't reply to you soon.Constantinos Athanasopoulos.

Jean-loup L.
France - 21/01/2010

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Très bel objet, exactement ce que je désirais

Deborah B.
- 18/12/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
I am very impressed by the speedy delivery to England! From order to delivery was very quick - and in good time for Christmas. As for the bag - it's delicious, and just what I was looking for. I bought the bag for my sister - an artist - to carry her sketch pad and pens in a more stylish manner, so it's just perfect. It look s beautiful and feels sublime! Thank you for a most efficient and professional response. Deborah Brown.

Ivan C.
- 12/11/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Je l'admire ce sac, la qualité est impeccable. Ravi à 100 %!!!

Simone R.
- 04/10/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Mein einziger Kritikpunkt sind die Magnetverschlüsse. Wenn die Tasche etwas voller ist, kann man sie nur schwer verschließen. Ansonsten ist sie sehr schön und robust, und auch nicht zu schwer.

Guillermo U.
- 04/04/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
The bag is very well made, and I really love the leather. I am very happy I bought it, and I do know that I will be buying other products in the future. Thank you so much for your prompt answer to all my questions and for your prompt delivery.Grazzie mille

Viktor T.
- 12/02/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Very nice, im happy with the purchase.

Inga R.
- 09/01/2009

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Tolle Qualität. Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Ich bin begeistert. Vielen Dank!

Sabrina B.
- 14/12/2008

TL90475 Trustpilot stars
Sehr freundliche Rückmeldung auf Fragen und die Tasche ist einfach nur super.Bin mir sehr sicher, dass ich mit der Messenger double Tasche das ideale Weihnachtsgeschenk erworben habe.Sehr zu empfehlen!

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