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Monalisa Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles Marron TL10034
Monalisa Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles Marron TL10034 Monalisa Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles Marron TL10034 Monalisa Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles Marron TL10034 Monalisa Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles Marron TL10034 Monalisa Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles Marron TL10034 Monalisa Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles Marron TL10034 Monalisa Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles Marron TL10034
Monalisa TL10034

Mallette Infirmière Rétro en Cuir Avec Boucles

TL10034 Trustpilot stars 294 commentaires
$ 336.53
€ 280,50
  • Paquet Cadeau + Personnalisation
Caractéristiques principales

- Cuir pleine fleur avec un tannage végétal, tamponné à la main

- Bandoulière réglable et amovible en cuir

- Structure semi-rigide

- 2 compartiments


Mesures du produit ( Impérial décimal )
  • - Dimensions: 13.78 x 9.06 x 5.51 inch
  • - Poids: 2.65 Lbs
  • - EAN: 8053830520455
  • - Mallette mèdicale
  • - Cuir pleine fleur avec un tannage végétal, tamponné à la main
  • - Tissu doublure en coton
  • - Structure semi-rigide
  • - 2 compartiments
Partie extérieure
  • - Logo Tuscany Leather sur carré en métal
  • - Poche au dos avec fermeture
Partie intérieure
  • - Poche avec fermeture éclair
  • - Compartiment central avec fermeture glissière
  • - Bandoulière réglable et amovible en cuir
Parties métalliques
  • - Accessoires couleur laiton brossé
  • - Ouverture avec système de type "Vieille Amérique"
  • - Sac protecteur
Caractéristiques supplémentaires ( Impérial décimal )
  • - Hauteur d'anse (max): 2.95 inch
  • - Longueur bandoulière (min): 37.01 inch
  • - Longueur bandoulière (max): 41.73 inch
Questions et réponses
Question: edith r.
bonjour, sur la photo du sac Monalisa ouvert , les pieces métalique ne semblent pas à leur amplitude maximale. est ce que ce que ces pieces peuvent s'aligner l'une à coté de l'autre, et le sac rester ouvert sans l'aide des mains? merci de votre réponsee
Réponse: Service Clients
Oui, les barres métalliques peuvent s'aligner l'une à coté de l'autre de façon que le sac reste ouvert tout seul.
Question: sylvie
est il possible de le fermer a cle
Réponse: Service Clients
Ce sac ne peut pas être fermé à clé.
Question: Maeve
Bonjour, j’aurai souhaité y transporter un ordinateur portable. Pourriez m’indiquer si cela est possible et si oui selon quelles dimensions (en pouces) sac fermé ? Merci beaucoup !
Réponse: Service Clients
Les dimensions internes en pouces de ce sac sont : longuer 13,4 hauteur 7,8 profondeur 4,3.
Question: Durczak P.
Bonjour, j'aimerai savoir si dans les sacs Monalisa et Michelangelo, on peut facilement mettre un petit dossier de feuilles A4 sans l'endommager (ordonnances, documents divers... ) = mallette de médecin généraliste. Merci d'avance de votre réponse. Durczak
Réponse: Service Clients
Ces models ne peuvent pas contenir un dossier de feuilles A4.
Question: Jean-Marie C.
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si ce modèle possède des pieds en métal sur le fond, pour éviter que le cuir ne repose à même le sol? Merci
Réponse: Service Clients
Bonjour, ce modèle n'a pas des pieds en métal sur le fond.
Avez-vous besoin de plusieurs détails?
TrustScore 4.9 | 294 Commentaires

Gabaldon J.
France - 12/10/2024

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Nicole T.
France - 04/08/2023

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
tres bel artisanat sac magnifique, original

Sylvie G.
Switzerland - 27/03/2023

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Huguette P.
Canada - 04/07/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
J'adore ++++++

Xavier L.
France - 22/12/2020

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Colis recu en bon etat

Fagioli L.
France - 08/12/2020

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Un sac magnifique. La gravure est très bien réalisée tout en étant discrète. Le cuir est très beau ainsi que la couleur. Une housse de protection est incluse. La livraison a été hyper rapide. Je recommande vraiment ce site.

Clémentine P.
France - 26/12/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Super malette

Celine T.
France - 01/04/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
produit reçu conforme à la photo

Christine M.
France - 09/02/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Jolie couleur, très élégant avec ses surpîqures belle qualité de cuir. Je l'avais repéré depuis longtemps ; j'ai attendu les soldes pour le commander à un prix interessant...

Geneviève D.
France - 07/01/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Super beau, très pratique et je l'ai déjà ciré

Jean charles F.
France - 07/01/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Article conforme à notre attente, livraison rapide et impeccable.

Marie-pascale L.
France - 18/11/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Pierre B.
France - 02/01/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
magnifique. un peu brillant mais la patine corrigera ce petit exces

Marie V.
France - 11/12/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Superbe sac, très original, très élégant, et de superbe facture.

Valerie M.
Belgium - 10/12/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Très jolie

Caroline J.
France - 06/11/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Fulvia P.
France - 13/10/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Janine L.
France - 28/07/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
superbe,belle confection, depuis tres longtemps je cherchais ce modele; merci

Anais R.
France - 11/02/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Excellent produit ! Une qualité quasi parfaite. Bonne dimension. je recommande vivement.

Angélique C.
France - 24/12/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Céline C.
France - 22/11/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Très bonne qualité et gravure très bien également

Gilles G.
France - 26/03/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Très beau produit, système d'ouverture et fermeture sure. Poches intérieures et extérieure, belle qualité de doublure et de cuir.

Cecile C.
France - 28/12/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Marie andrée T.
France - 27/12/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Article offert qui a plu dans la minute ,cuir et finitions de qualités,

Martine R.
France - 26/12/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
très beau sac et bien fini

Crozetiere M.
France - 01/06/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Emballage soigné, très belle qualité. Beau cuir et belle odeur !

Brice R.
Belgium - 23/02/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Conforme en tous points à la description. Très bonne qualité du cuir et finition.

Carine L.
Belgium - 22/02/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Très belle facture. Pratique à l'utilisation.Volume suffisant pour ranger tout le matériel.

Muriel N.
France - 03/01/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Encore mieux que sur la photo

Liliane T.
France - 28/12/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
ABSOLUMENT MAGNIFIQUE ! Plus spacieux que sur la photo et combien plus beau !

Annie P.
France - 23/09/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Elégant, de belle facture.Proportions et peausserie très belles.

Julie D.
Belgium - 13/08/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Le sac correspondait parfaitement à l'image que l'on s'en fait via le site web. La quaslité du cuir et des finitions sont très belles.

Martine V.
France - 16/03/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
très beau produit

Frank K.
France - 25/02/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Article conforme à la présentation. Très bonne qualité. Très belle finition. Bravo et merci.

Elodie T.
France - 26/12/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Sac superbe. Je suis très contente de la qualité. Belles finitions.

Charlotte B.
France - 21/12/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Magnifique sac

Jean-claude L.
Switzerland - 16/12/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Le sac fait sensation parmi les amies de mon épouse.Merci pour cette qualité.Jean-Claude

Stéphanie B.
France - 07/11/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Pour le moment, rien à dire, à par que ce produit est magnifique !

Françoise D.
France - 07/07/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
RAS. Très beau produit de très belle facture.

Françoise D.
France - 27/06/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Mallette très élégante et légère.Pour le reste c'est à l'usage que j'apprecierai.

Yves L.
Belgium - 22/05/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Impeccable , sommes bien contents. L'article est rapidement arrivé , le paiement de l'envoi pas cher . C'est notre 4 ième achat chez vous .Dommage que la TVA soit élevé !Bien merci et bonne continuation

Joel S.
France - 10/12/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Absolument conquise par la qualité de l'objet. J'aurai juste aimé des petits plots dessous pour ne pas l'abîmer en le posant.

Muriel G.
France - 07/12/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Magnifique ! Très belle qualité de cuir et finition très soignée. Envoi rapide et efficace. Merci

France - 02/08/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Il manquerait une protection sous le sac pour ne pas l'endommager quand on le pose.

Annie Q.
France - 04/06/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
La trousse est magnifique, superbe, très belle qualité de cuir ! Je suis ravie de ma commande...

Virginie S.
France - 13/04/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
ce magnifique sac mériterai d'avoir des "pieds".

Veronique Z.
France - 09/03/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Bonjour, il est très beau et je suis ravie. Un qualité exceptionnelle, du beau travail. Merci

Anne G.
France - 01/03/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Très beau mais aurait gagné à être plus grand.

Duval G.
France - 02/02/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Il s'agit d'un cadeau pour la St Valentin. Je suis certain de faire plaisir avec un sac de chez Tuscany. Bravo et merci pour cette belle qualité!

Schefer A.
France - 23/12/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Parfait très jolie trousse! Envoi rapide et sérieux

Jocelyne P.
France - 13/12/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Trés beau produit conforme à la photo.Trés content je recommande à toutes.

Elodie D.
France - 17/11/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Magnifique produit que je ne regrette pas d'avoir acheté.Bonne qualité. Une protection en dessous pour le sol (pieds), pourrait s'avérer utile.

Anne-marie P.
France - 09/11/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Article conforme au descriptif, excellente qualité, bel article, bonne contenanceUne suggestion, il faudrait 4 pieds pour protéger la base de cette trousse

Adrien F.
Belgium - 29/07/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
article conforme a la commande réalisée et livre dans les temps.This article match with the order i've made and has been delivered on time.

Naoual B.
Netherlands - 21/03/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very good bag, nice in color and shape. I'm very satisfied about the quality of the detail in the bag. I will for sure order an other bag from Tuscany.

Samantha B.
France - 14/02/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Aucune suggestion particulière, le sac est exactement ce que je souhaitais.

Anne-gaël C.
France - 04/01/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beau produit, conforme au descriptif; mériterait d'être un peu plus grand pour l'exercice quotidien!

Stéphanie C.
Switzerland - 20/12/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
cet article est de très bonne qualité et très beau cuir, rigide avec de belle finition merci

Yvette B.
France - 28/11/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Nathalie R.
France - 09/10/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Très bel article ! voici quelques suggestions!!la séparation du milieu n'est pas solidaire du fond peut-être serait -elle mieux pour délimiter les compartiments ?des petits pieds pour la pose à terre du sac et un cran de maintien à l'ouverture complète afin de le garder ouvert Bien cordialementNathalie Rogel

Stéphanie B.
France - 16/09/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Très beau sac qui respire la qualité. Excellent achat !

Martine R.
France - 03/09/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
RAS sauf ouverture un peu difficile.

Virginie Z.
France - 04/02/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Ce sac est vraiment magnifique, la qualité est excellente BRAVO et Merci

Sylvain C.
- 09/12/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
La sac est vraiment très beau, la qualité impeccable, et les délais vraiment bluffant!!Merci

Sherita J.
United Kingdom - 17/12/2024

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Fantastic bag looks so luxurious. Thank You

Roberta F.
Switzerland - 02/12/2024

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima, di ottima qualità.

Sherilyn T.
United States - 27/06/2024

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful bag I love it

Marcia D.
United States - 11/03/2024

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Just as I anticipated. A bag that is strong, professional and unique like me, the owner of it.

Rissa S.
United States - 14/03/2023

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Arrived as scheduled. Excellent quality. Highly recommended for purchase.

Paola M.
Italy - 22/12/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Perfetta. Pellame, dettagli, sistemi di chiusura e finiture eccezionali

Basil B.
Ireland - 04/12/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
excellent crafted

Anna-maria W.
Sweden - 02/12/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful bag made in great quality leather. The craftsmanship is excellent.

Melissa M.
United States - 02/10/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love this bag, the quality is amazing! Will be buying more products from them.

Eva A.
Spain - 02/07/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Precioso bolso,tiene mucha capacidad y es ideal tanto para trabajo como para usarlo de shopping bag. La piel es de calidad y cada detalle está hecho con mimo

Thiago E.
Brazil - 21/05/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Dimitrios S.
Greece - 17/03/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
my wife found this gift with her name engraved fantastic.

Alice L.
Czech Republic - 02/01/2022

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
High quality

Amanda E.
United Kingdom - 29/08/2021

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Stunning bag very impressed with purchase beautiful leather and packed in a sturdy string box.

Tatiana J.
Australia - 20/08/2021

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
fantastic beautiful bag and leather

Debra C.
United States - 17/05/2021

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love this bag so well made

Riccardo E.
Italy - 16/05/2021

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Regalo di laurea per mia figlia medico. Bellissima

Leslee T.
Canada - 02/05/2021

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Exactly what we were looking for our daughter's Birthday Present. Dr. In training! She has all of her instruments in her stylish bag.

Francisco javier M.
Spain - 14/04/2021

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Muy elegante Materiales de calidad Perfecto para un regalo

Karen T.
United Kingdom - 29/03/2021

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
well made this is my second one

Denise F.
Malta - 24/03/2021

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
great beautiful bag and very good delivery

Kimberly P.
United States - 06/11/2020

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Showed up earlier than stated. It is absolutely perfect. The first time I went with it, 4 women wanted to know where I bought it. My one regret is the Tuscany Leather did not include some business cards that I could pass out when I received all the compliments.

Karl W.
Austria - 14/04/2020

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
sehr schönes Produkt, sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis

Bridget M.
United States - 05/04/2020

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Margaret C.
Australia - 07/03/2020

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Raffaella S.
Italy - 27/01/2020

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Ho acquistato questa borsa perché mi piaceva molto esteticamente e mi piaceva l'idea di poterla personalizzare.. è arrivata a casa 3 giorni dopo averla acquistata, in perfette condizioni, prodotto assolutamente fedele alla descrizione, ottima qualità, colore (miele) meraviglioso, personalizzazione perfetta, molto elegante e stilosa. Sono assolutamente contenta del mio acquisto, la consiglio assolutamente!

Monika K.
Canada - 24/12/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love it! Amazing bag!

Maureen C.
United Kingdom - 16/12/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
This bag is beautiful, a lovely rich red colour,is quite heavy and excellent quality,would highly recommend

Chris R.
United Kingdom - 08/12/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Even better than I expected

Melody K.
United States - 23/09/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
This bag was absolutely beautiful and amazing with the detailed work. My initials looked amazing!

Daisy L.
United States - 05/03/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I love it! not too big or small, just perfect. Very pleased with the whole transaction and Serena has been so wonderful with her prompt and polite customer service. My husband placed a 2nd order for a wallet and jewelry case for me. I will be shopping here again.

Svetlana V.
Kazakhstan - 17/02/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
День добрый, TUSCANY LEATHER! Я заказала саквояж - MONALISA TL10034. Через 4 дня сумка уже была доставлена курьером в Казахстан, г. Караганда. Очень довольна покупкой! Качество превзошло все мои ожидания! Кожа пахнет как дорогой парфюм! Жаль, что не обратила внимание на «Gift Wrap + Персонализация». В следующий раз обязательно воспользуюсь этой услугой. До скорой встречи )

Antonios A.
Greece - 10/02/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The bag I bought for my wife is very beautiful and well made.

Leonid T.
Russian Federation - 07/02/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Jaroslav P.
Czech Republic - 14/01/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful bag, first class quality, I'm excited. My friends asked, where I bought this bag, it's a small artwork. I always wanted to have "doctor bag", now my wish is fulfilled :-).

Sharon C.
United States - 08/01/2019

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
It is such beautifully made bag. I fall in love with the craftsmanship.

Evie T.
United Kingdom - 17/12/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Received my order promptly and really very happy with the quality of its craftsmanship. Top mark for quality and efficiency Also find your website very easy to access and the fact that you also provide the feature/dimension of your product does really help me as your customer. Definitely will shop again in the future as long as you give me discount for my loyalty.

Kitty B.
Netherlands - 04/12/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful but to small for me.

Sergey K.
Russian Federation - 30/11/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Excellent. First-class leather. Stylish.

Tino S.
Germany - 19/11/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
eine sehr schöne Tasche, sehr gute Verarbeitung. Klasse !

Pasquale M.
Italy - 03/11/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Borsa molto bella con un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Azienda disponibile e competente. Consegna velocissima.

Mary s D.
United States - 01/11/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
First day out with my new purse I had 12 compliments and 7 people asked where I bought this purse. This is how a purse should be made like it a piece of art. The quality of craftsmanship throughout this purse screams nothing but skills in appearance etc.. The size is great due to I live 30 miles from a store and it always a full day out. It’s light and easy to carry. I wish you had little lock I could use to lock it my mother loves to go through my purse when I visit.

Jayne C.
Canada - 28/08/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love it

Dana M.
United States - 13/08/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
High quality, Beautifully made. It took my breathe away when I unwrapped it. It arrived early. Great Cusomer Service,a business well run. Thank you so much for allowing your products to ship internationally, Dana

Jannel A.
Philippines - 26/07/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The best!!!

Petra E.
Germany - 18/06/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Sehr schönes, hochwertiges Modell, sehr überzeugendes Produkt!

Jackie G.
Australia - 20/04/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Just love my new bag. Quality and fashion all in one. Thank you for the super quick delivery.

Fabrizio S.
Italy - 17/03/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Prodotto conforme alla descrizione...apprezzatissimo da chi lo ha ricevuto in regalo

Federica R.
Italy - 08/03/2018

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo prodotto

Stuart L.
United Kingdom - 24/10/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The most beautiful bag I've ever had. Such amazing quality. Sturdy and well made. Even my children love this bag. The vintage style is so quaint. Couldn't be more pleased.

Franco M.
Italy - 12/10/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Sania S.
United Kingdom - 11/08/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Wonderful vintage Gladstone bag...the old Americal style opening looks cool and very unique! A must hAve!

Theresa D.
United States - 17/07/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Excellent quality. I think I would have preferred the name inscription on a metal plate, instead of the leather. However, it is a gorgeous bag.

Martina C.
Italy - 06/07/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
La borsa è molto bella,il pellame ottimo con rifiniture accurate,forse si potrebbe fare leggermente più grande

Silvia S.
Italy - 18/06/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Questa borsa è meravigliosa, rispecchia in pieno le caratteristiche descritte nel sito, la pelle è di ottima qualità e i particolari sono curati. Sono completamente soddisfatta del mio acquisto.

Nataliya S.
United States - 16/06/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Highly recommend

Laura B.
United Kingdom - 15/06/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I love this bag and very pleased with my purchase

Cristina G.
Italy - 04/06/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
niente da suggerire

Aurelio O.
Puerto Rico - 19/05/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
the time was very important and i received the bag on time

Yasmin M.
Malaysia - 12/05/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Yuliya K.
Russian Federation - 19/04/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
My dream has come true! Thank you!

Chika N.
United States - 06/02/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
High quality bag, very unique

Julie F.
New Zealand - 02/02/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love the bag it's gorgeous

Sandra A.
Germany - 25/01/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Schöne kleine Handtasche bzw Arzttasche.Ich benutze sie für Hausbesuche.Hat genügend Platz für die wichtigsten Instrumente.Super Qualität.

Juan manuel C.
Spain - 09/01/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
lo esperado

Andre D.
Germany - 01/01/2017

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Sehr gut!!!!

Giampaolo P.
Italy - 27/12/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
continuate cosi

Andre K.
United States - 08/10/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
love it!!!!!!!

Flemming L.
Denmark - 27/09/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Really nice product and craftsmanship

Donna R.
United States - 11/08/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Favorite bag ever! I decided to stop paying for big name bags of poor quality and went with this instead. HUGE difference. Finely crafted is an understatement.

Bader A.
Kuwait - 03/08/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Fantastic bag I did not expect it at such a high quality of manufacturing everything is excellent, but there is something heavy weight note what

Mathew Z.
New Zealand - 04/06/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Liked well by addressee

Beth B.
United States - 22/05/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Please see previous comment.

Patience W.
United States - 04/05/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
great bag and quality.

Letizia S.
Italy - 11/04/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
prima ci terrei a scrivere il commento della mia amica che l'ha ricevuta in regalo: "Ora mi sento un medico". Prodotto ottimo, materiale eccellente e un design di stile hanno reso una neulaureata molto felice!

Christine M.
United Kingdom - 27/03/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful bag, lovely colour. Catches a bit stiff but otherwise works well. Too heavy to use every day so will keep for special!Chris (UK)

Arvo K.
Finland - 26/03/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Doctor bag is beuty

Linda B.
United States - 29/02/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very satisfied overall. Only one concern with the Monalisa bag: there is vinyl stripping inside the bag- i would expect all leather.

Janet S.
United Kingdom - 28/02/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very nice but not as big Thought it was luggage

Connie S.
United States - 06/02/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Gorgeous bag, lovely leather, can't wait to use it. My concern is the latches are tight and a little difficult to open. Hoping they will loosen up over time.

Lorenzo D.
Italy - 25/01/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Molto bello e di ottima fattura

Siriwattana L.
Singapore - 24/01/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
For reference, I am a female with 167 height, Tan skin therefore I choose honey colour. The colour of the bag is a bit darker compare to picture on the web, it compliment my skin tone and personality. The bag look nicer when compare to catch attentions and I got good compliments. The bag is big enough for Ipad and umbrella, its suits my daily lifestyle. The pocket in the bag assist me in putting some stuff for quick access such as Iphone 6 plus, key chain my subway card and my eye glasses. Overall, I am happy with the purchase and looking for more item to buy.

Merike O.
Australia - 09/01/2016

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Hi, the bag is simply beautiful. Lovely colour, detail and well proportioned. The interior lining is pretty but strong. Love also strong zippers. The detachable shoulder strap is long enough even for a bigger figure like mine. I only wish there were metal studs at the bottom to save from scuffing and the metal lip in the middle could be turned sideways or that the inner zipped pocket was not underneath it as it is a bit cumbersome to use this pocket as the metal bit scratches your hand. The inner pocket could be maybe located on the opposite side?But overall, live this bag and it makes me happy looking at the beautiful craftmanship and simply using it. Thank you.

Craig M.
United States - 27/12/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
great purse

Peter W.
Germany - 27/12/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Bin sehr zufrieden mit der Lieferung und die Tasche ist super.Das Geschenck war ein voller Erfolg

Lidia V.
Italy - 26/12/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
mi sembra impeccabile. Forse avremmo potuto scegliere lo stesso modello ma leggermente più grosso

Laura A.
Spain - 26/12/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Per roger R.
Norway - 19/12/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
See my previous comment.

Kelly H.
United States - 14/11/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Great quality better then picture

Julie B.
United States - 26/10/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I love my new handbag. It is attractive and unique.

Bilma B.
United States - 30/07/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The most beautiful purse i have ever bought. The quality and style is excellent.

Raquel U.
United States - 28/07/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
My All time Favorite Purse, Love the hardware and I get Many Many Compliments on it!!!

Daniele D.
Switzerland - 24/07/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
qualità ottima e consigliabile questo modello

Mark W.
United States - 13/07/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very nice bag.

Marjorie D.
United States - 13/07/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
love it

Laura T.
Italy - 07/07/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Borsa di pellame eccellente con interno rifinito molto bene.Aggiungerei i piedini di appoggio.Soddisfatta anche della personalizzazione con iniziali posta dietro richiesta dove ho scelto.

Leslie D.
United States - 04/05/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love this.

Ioannis S.
Greece - 23/03/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
ottimo prodotto esattamente come si vede sul sito !Complimenti. Unica pecca... un po piccola

Evis D.
Italy - 16/03/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
E' una garanzia. La borsa è ancora meglio dal vivo, si sente l'odore della pelle ed è curata nel dettaglio. Io ho scelto l'opzione di personalizzarla. Tutto è arrivato in uno stato perfetto e nei tempi stabiliti. Sono molto soddisfatta in quanto era un regalo di laurea ed ho fatto un figurone anche con il pacco regalo e il biglietto di auguri(a soli 3Euro in più). Relazione qualità-prezzo più che soddisfacenti. Lo consiglio!!

Brenda lee M.
United States - 01/03/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Gorgeous bag, hardware pretty a little hard to open/close hopefully in time it will loosen up.

Carmen D.
Germany - 12/02/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Perfekte verarbeitung, sehr gute Materialien, Artikel entspricht zu 100% der Abbildung

Wayne H.
Australia - 01/02/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
the highest of quality.

Veronica Q.
Italy - 18/01/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Nikolay A.
United States - 11/01/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Lynda Y.
Australia - 11/01/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Just gorgeous. Quality is amazing

Claire C.
Ireland - 10/01/2015

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful, but would be prettier if it was a little smaller

Philip H.
United Kingdom - 18/12/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
My wife loved the bag especially the inscription !! lovely bag , excellent quality and well packaged.

Tarja S.
Finland - 16/12/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Excellent quality and beautiful bag. Fast delivery.

Santina C.
Italy - 08/12/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Questa borsa è stata una piacevole sorpresa , una qualità della pelle superiore a marche più blasonate.

Maurice B.
United Kingdom - 23/11/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Cristina C.
Australia - 21/11/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Exceptional quality.

Antonio V.
Italy - 15/11/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Michelangelo P.
Italy - 31/10/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo prodotto. Pelle di qualità e finiture ottime. Aggiungerei forse il lucchetto abbinato.

Rocco D.
Italy - 24/10/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Stefano D.
Italy - 20/10/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Prodotto eccellente, confezionato in modo impeccabile

Cm H.
United Kingdom - 16/10/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful product. Really special and quality driven

Thomas Q.
United States - 29/08/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Can't rave enough about the quality workmanship of this bag. Every detail is perfection. The unique design if fabulous. Love the subtle engraving too.

Kerry jean B.
United Kingdom - 25/08/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love it love it love it love it

Marilyn D.
United Kingdom - 28/07/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Bought as a present the quality is excellent.

Olga C.
Spain - 23/06/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Todo bueno y rápido.

Marco M.
Spain - 12/06/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
es lo que esperaba

Sheila M.
United Kingdom - 30/05/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Have wanted a Gladstone Leather bag and this certainly ticks all the boxes

Luigino D.
Italy - 04/04/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Bella ed elegante, curata nei particolari

Mary jane A.
United States - 17/03/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love the bag, great price for a wonderful quality leather bag!!!!

Valentina R.
Italy - 13/03/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Stupenda in ogni particolare

Céline A.
Switzerland - 07/03/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Bella borsa e cucita bene - schöne Tasche und schön genäht.

Mara V.
Italy - 01/03/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Borsa molto bella e ben rifinita se posso dare un consiglio inserirei 2 taschine nella parte anteriore interna della porsa per poter mettere penna e piccoli oggetti. Nel complesso assolutamente soddidfatta!!!Sicuramente comprerò nuovamente.

Ramon C.
Spain - 16/02/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Producto de calidad, igual como se muestra en la web. Los cierres del bolso un poco duros.

Lone P.
Denmark - 10/02/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love at first sight

Ana maria R.
Spain - 03/02/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Isma D.
United Kingdom - 12/01/2014

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
the quality of the bag is amazing the design is outstanding it looks even better in real .

Jirka K.
Finland - 23/12/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very Nice and good quality!

Mitchell M.
United States - 09/12/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Quality +++ DVM daughter loves it !

Nicole K.
Germany - 25/11/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Einen lang ersehnten Traum erfüllt !

Serena G.
Italy - 28/10/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Ottime riniture e materiali, spazi interni ben organizzati. Un po' meno pratica l'apertura ma è anche il dettaglio originale e un po' retrò della borsa.

Esther G.
Spain - 21/10/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
precioso y envio rapido

Eileen L.
United Kingdom - 08/10/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love my bag and the speed of delivery - thank you!Little grumble about the sharpness of the metal edges and lack of phone pocket but other than that - perfect.

Cecily G.
United Kingdom - 04/10/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
It's a fine bag. It's heavy, but that's to be expected as is the stiff brass closing mechanism which I expect will loosen over time - as I expect to be still using it in 25 years' time that's ok by me. It's very definitely a well made, high quality product and good value.

Stephen P.
Ireland - 07/09/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Fabulous quality, excellent service, would have liked it just a little bigger to use as a weekend bag.

Katinka wanda K.
Switzerland - 05/09/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Sehr schöne Tasche. Ich bin begeistert und habe nichts auszusetzen.

Jan C.
United Kingdom - 28/08/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Just love it! Am really thrilled with the bag and the exceptionally swift delivery. Thanks so much!

Christine E.
United Kingdom - 28/08/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Everything as expected from website. Lovely handbag, middle zipped pocket probably not needed.

Mary V.
Canada - 09/06/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Include leather care instructionsGreat product!

Jose antonio R.
Spain - 07/06/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
El pedido ha satisfecho todas mis espectativas. Me ha encantado el plazo de entrega y la información que van Vds. dando para el seguimiento del pedido.Muchas Gracias. Saludox

Tiffany W.
United States - 22/03/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Marina L.
United States - 27/02/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Perfect quality. I love this bag. Recommending...

Aleksandra G.
Russian Federation - 12/02/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I've never seen a more perfect and amazing bag! I want to note the high quality sewing and leather. Thank you for this beauty! A Fedex delivery is very fast. Parcel arrived 2 days earlier than promised :)

Suzie C.
United Kingdom - 18/01/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
This is the second Mona Lisa bag that I have bought, this one for a friend. The quality is superb, the bag is spacious and ideal for either a handbag or for work equipment. There are of course other sizes available, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this bag. Thrilled with it. If you have reason to contact customer services then you will find that their service is excellent.

Ginger W.
United States - 06/01/2013

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
You website is easy to use. Your customer service is excellent! The bag I purchased is beautiful. I have no current suggestions because my shopping experience with you was very good. Thank you.

Italy - 30/12/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
qualche cm in più in altezza non guasterebbe - così il ricettario regionale troverebbe posto - un po' indaginosa l'apertura

Tess S.
Australia - 06/12/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very happy with the quality of this bag and I can't believe how quick the delivery was.

Mark johnathon A.
Australia - 13/11/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The clip is very hard to open and close perhaps this could be checked a bit more thoroughly. I am hoping with use it will loosen. Otherwise I am in love with this bag :)Shiela

Klas m L.
Sweden - 05/11/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Excellent service

Anna B.
Sweden - 02/11/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The bag is simply gorgeous! The mechanics could have been a little bit more smooth and it was a bit smaller than expected. Otherwise it is still absolutely lovely and will be used very often

Zsolt T.
Norway - 16/10/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
fast delivery,thank you!!

Shania J.
United Kingdom - 05/10/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
HiI love my bag, there is only a very small sugestion. There isn't a small pocket for my Iphone, so I have to put it in one of the zip sections, which isn't such quick access. Otherwise the handbag is beautiful quality. regards Shania Jeanes

Arnaldo V.
Italy - 30/08/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
solo sarebbe perfetto fissare completamente il divisorio interno per evitare che piccoli oggetti possano passare da uno scomparto all'altro e magari inserire uno scomparto per una penna x il resto è perfetta

Stefano M.
Italy - 07/08/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
prodotto ricevuto in tempi velocissimi e puntuali.di altissima qualita e finitura, ottima per l'uso quotidiano come borsa da passeggio. grazie per lo splendido servizio

Silvia V.
Italy - 03/08/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Massima professionalità ed ottim prodotto. GRAZIE

Andrew G.
Sweden - 04/07/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
everythig about this purchase was fantastic. from the quality of the product to the ultra fast logistics.

Giacomo P.
Italy - 04/07/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Un po' più grandina non sarebbe male, non ci sta un foglio A4.Ottima fattura, la borsa è molto bella

Marco C.
Italy - 29/06/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Sarebbe meglio qualche centimetro più grossa.

Scott K.
Canada - 12/06/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
i realize this could be used as a purse.. but i would have liked to see this a little larger. I would have bought the other bag which is larger...but it wasnt as attractive as this one.

Judith P.
Canada - 01/06/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
My only complaint is that i requested the bag to engraved with DR. R.L. RENKAS , and it is NOT engraved. This is for my neice and i cannot send it back now. Shipping was amazingly quick and prompt and the bag is absolutely beautiful. She will definately be the envy of her other doctor friendws. Thank you.Dear customer, we are sorry, but you did not write the name to engrave into the order form, so the bag was not customized. Please check the email comfirmation you received. It is important that you always check it after placing the order, so in case there are mistakes you can contact us before the order is prepeared.

Tony G.
United Kingdom - 12/05/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
excellent service and quality

Susana J.
Spain - 24/04/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Ashe S.
United States - 15/04/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
If it were just a little bigger, it would be perfection. I cannot quite fit all my medical gear into it.

Margretta H.
United States - 10/04/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Possibly more instrument pockets inside the bag.

Paolo R.
Italy - 09/04/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
con una capienza maggiore sarebbe il massimo, cmq davvero un buon prodotto,vedremo nel tempo. a primo impatto il regalo è piaciuto tantissimo,grazie

Denise P.
United States - 19/03/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Love, love, love it!! I got the monogram done and it is absolutely beautiful!!

Italy - 14/03/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
aggiungerei piedini sotto la borsa.Per il resto tutto ok, consegna ok.

Heather L.
United Kingdom - 12/03/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful bag. A little larger and it would be perfect - bit of a squeeze for all my GP toys!

Clara C.
Ireland - 06/03/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Middle pocket unnessecary, clasps quite stiff. Otherwise beautiful bag, I love it.

Rachael B.
United Kingdom - 05/03/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Really beautiful bag. I love it. It would benefit from being a little larger, most of us Drs carry quite alot of equipment. But the bag is lovely & i'll manage with less things in my bag!

Michael K.
United States - 02/02/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The bag is great. I love the style, most Doctor's bags are bland. It would be nice to have one with this same style but a little bigger. Good quality.

Veronika H.
Switzerland - 01/02/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
lovely bag! impeccable shipping!!i´ll order again and can just recommend.

Blanca nieves G.
Spain - 04/01/2012

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Esta muy bien, lo recibí hoy, muchas gracias,

Antonia G.
Spain - 27/12/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Muy bien terminado. Se ajusta perfectamente a lo que deseaba.

Matteo T.
Italy - 26/12/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
qualche segnetto sul vista l'urgenza di questo regalo :) per il resto tutto ok, spedizione rapida..

Mr g R.
United Kingdom - 18/11/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very good product.Very fast delivery.

Erica O.
Australia - 16/11/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I find the latch quite hard to open, I hope it loosens after some use. otherwise I just love the bag

Donna L.
Canada - 27/10/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I just received my handbag it is beautiful very very high quality only one problem it is going to a bit heavy too carry for any length of time but I love it it looks very expensive thank you

Dawn K.
United States - 28/08/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Absolutely the nicest handbag I've ever owned. It is exactly as described. I wouldn't change a thing about it. Also, I get many compliments on it.

Jo L.
New Zealand - 22/07/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Nothing could make this bag any more perfect for me, I looked everywhere to find one just like it, don't change a thing.

Francesca R.
Italy - 15/05/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Un po' piccolina ma davvero bella, originale e la consegna è stata davvero lampo!

Mindi J.
United States - 03/05/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I love this bag!!!

Manuela O.
Italy - 28/04/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
E' proprio la borsa che desideravo...semplicemente perfetta!E complimenti anche per la tempestiva consegna!

Barbara D.
Canada - 31/03/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
what to say ?its super 111

Lucio D.
Italy - 03/03/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Tutto perfetto, se mi servira' ancora qualcosa degli articoli che producete, sarete sicuramente la prima opzione.

Susan P.
United Kingdom - 02/02/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Could also make one without the central zipped pocket A Beautiful bag.

Sharon C.
United States - 02/02/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I love the quality of the leather, the sturdiness of the bag and the rich color. I intend to purchase a briefcase and hope that the quality is comparable. The shipping and quick delivery was a delight. The hardware is a bit tight but I hope it will loosen after several uses. I wish I realized that the engraving was outside, I would have opted for initials only. Overall, I love the bag! It is roomy and quite elegant. Thank you for expeditious service with a high quality product. Sharon

Daniele M.
Italy - 18/01/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Christine A.
Finland - 17/01/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The bag is very beautiful, and high quality, and i love it

Sherle C.
United States - 12/01/2011

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very pleased with my bag. Customer Service was fantastic!

Markus K.
Germany - 23/12/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Übersichtlich, einfach zu bestellen, exakt die beschriebenen Eigenschaften, schnell und vor allem: super Verpackung, sehr schnelle Bearbeitung.Sehr zu empfehlen!

Julie B.
United States - 22/12/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I am very happy with the look of the Mona-Lisa Doctor leather bag. However, the real test will be how is stands up over time and use. Thank you very much for your fast processing and delivery of my order. If the quality of your bag holds up over time I will be a return customer.Thank you!

Ted S.
United Kingdom - 17/12/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Beautiful handbag, amazing service it arrived in under 24 hours. My wife is already using it (17 December 2010) even though it was supposed to be a Christmas present! She tells me she is very very happy with it. Thank you

Birgitta L.
Sweden - 26/11/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
A wonderful bag! I was very pleased to find that the bag fitted the description excactly.

Yanhua Z.
United Kingdom - 24/11/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Soeren H.
Luxembourg - 19/11/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
«:::P:::» «:::E:::» «:::R:::» «:::F:::» «:::E:::» «:::K:::» «:::T:::»

Doreen j S.
United Kingdom - 13/11/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
This is a most beautiful handbag. I have wanted a bag like this for many years because as a child I used to play with my Great Grandfathers 'Gladstone Bag' and was very sad when it finally fell to pieces. It was very old when I was allowed to use it and in its lifetime must have held a lot of money so hopefully this will be passed on to my bag so that it will be blessed with lots of money to enable me to buy more bags!

Alessandra P.
Italy - 09/11/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
bellissima!ha esaudito a pieno le mie aspettative.

Consovelia H.
United States - 21/09/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Great Bag. Thanks for the gift..

Josephine A.
United States - 15/09/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
This bag is very useful and gorgous I love it. I only wish it was larger.

Elizabeth M.
United States - 06/08/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars

Mary C.
Malta - 02/08/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
A lovely bag. Would have been excellent if it were slightly bigger. Also, clasps could be more user friendly.

Michela F.
Italy - 09/06/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
In effetti qualche centimetro in più nelle dimensioni non guasterebbe...però ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo, e ottima consegna!!!

José maría G.
Spain - 25/05/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Muchísimas gracias por su envío. Estoy gratamente sorprendido de su eficiencia, su seriedad y su magnífico producto. La persona a la que se lo he regalado, ella acaba de terminar Medicina, ha quedado muy contenta con mi regalo. Enhorabuena, y puede contar conmigo como cliente,. Además pienso recomendárselo a mis amistades. Muchas gracias de nuevo.

Maria veronica S.
Italy - 20/05/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Buonissima fattura, pelle bellissima e spedizione super veloce

Sara L.
Italy - 10/03/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Bellissima borsa, ideale per una neo dottoressa (assolutamente rossa!!!)

Yuriko K.
Germany - 23/02/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
highly recommend! will buy again

Lesley S.
Canada - 19/02/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
The bag is exactly what I saw on the web site

Enrico C.
- 08/01/2010

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Aggiungere l'apposito lucchetto di chiusura e un foglio con manutenzione della pelle e del sistema di chiusura

Piia S.
- 03/12/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Little bit smaller than expected. High quality!

Sally D.
- 11/11/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Received the physicians bag today, I was very impressed with the fast shipping. I never would have believed I would receive the package so quickly, considering it came from Italy. The bag is a christmas present for my daughter who is in medical school. I searched the internet and looked in stores and this bag is absolutely beautiful. It is a good quality leather, good value for the quality, and much more feminine than standard physician's bags. I just love it and I hope that she will too. It is smaller than I thought physician's bags were supposed to be but I really have no experience in that area. As she is just a student, I feel that this will suit her needs with the added bonus of being fashionable.

Lisa J.
- 03/10/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
SO IN LOVE WITH THIS PRODUCT!!!!! Beyond my expectations!

Maria Z.
- 03/09/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
I love it!!!!! It is perfect.

Isolde G.
- 24/07/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Super Qualität und Optik, guter Preis, schnellste Lieferung! Herzlichen Dank

Cornellia R.
- 07/05/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
sehr gute verarbeitung, gute größe und eine sehr gute farbe die tasche ist auf jeden fall ein highlight

Maurizio S.
- 27/02/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo prodotto

Marita R.
- 06/02/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Very satisfied with the quality.Substantial leather and just as I expected me. However, no strident in jumpers to open the bag, but it'll probably improve over time.I will certainly buy more bags here.

Sari F.
- 14/01/2009

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Lovely bag!

Hans-jürgen S.
- 01/12/2008

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Alles tadellos zu meiner Zufriedenheit....

Fabrizia T.
- 15/10/2008

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Ottimo prodotto, molto bello, design originale, finalmente un borsa da medico al femminile. L'unica variazione che farei è sulle dimensioni, forse un modello un pò più grande sarebbe più comodo.

Barbara Z.
- 23/08/2008

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
It si perfect

Eberhard R.
- 23/05/2008

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
...Tasche ist heute angekommen, passt alles, OK. Danke.E.Rodig

Panagiota G.
- 31/03/2008

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Lo stesso. ECCELENT.I also thank you for the present you sent me.

Nancy E.
- 25/01/2008

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Excellent quality of product. Fast delivery. Thank you!

Manfred S.
- 09/01/2008

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
Sehr geehrtes Tuscany Leather Team.Ich war sowohl mit der Qualität der Ware als auch mit der gesamten Abwicklung meiner Bestellung sehr zufrieden. Wenn Sie diesen Standard weiterhin halten werden Sie sicher erfolgreich sein.Da ich selbst im Handel tätig bin, weiß ich, dass die Abwicklung nicht immer einfach ist.Liebe Grüße aus Österreich

Barbara A.
- 23/12/2007

TL10034 Trustpilot stars
è bellisssima, se dovessi migiorarla la farei un pochino più grande

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